Reference Documents at a Glance

Reference Documents

We maintain a library of key reference documents [PDF Format] for the convenience of our clients.

TBS Policy on Results Oct 2019

The Policy on Results, Results Division, Expenditure Management Sector

Public Service Renewal -- Beyond 2020

In 2013, we launched Blueprint 2020, which has led to a growing spirit of innovation and collaboration across the Public Service. At the same time, we have heard that maintaining our position as an internationally recognized leading public service means driving deeper change in how we work. Recently, engagement with public servants across the country took place to refine the ongoing journey

26th Annual Report to the PM on the Public Service

I am pleased to submit to you the Twenty-Sixth Annual Report to the Prime Minister on the Public Service of Canada, covering the period from April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2019.

OECD Science Technology and Innovation Outlook 2018

Innovation enables countries to be more competitive, more adaptable to change and to support higher living standards. It provides the foundation for new businesses and new jobs and helps address pressing social and global challenges, such as health, climate change, and food and energy security.

Oslo Manual 2018


Competing in a Global Innovation Economy Full Report

Expert Panel on the State of Science and Technology and Industrial Research and Development in Canada

Link to Conference Board of Canada -- How Canada Performs

Canada ranks 12th of 16 peer countries—down three positions—and earns a C on innovation. Performance on a few indicators has improved, but stronger performance by a number of international peers has pushed Canada down in the rankings.

Canada's Innovation Strengths and Priorities

Canada ranks 12th of 16 peer countries—down three positions—and earns a C on innovation. Performance on a few indicators has improved, but stronger performance by a number of international peers has pushed Canada down in the rankings.

GE Index

For the second year GE has surveyed executives, from 22 countries covering developed and emerging markets, with the goal of analyzing perceptions around innovation opportunities and challenges.

Innovation and Business - Why Canada falls short

The mandate of the Council of Canadian Academies (the Council) is to perform independent, expert assessments of the science that is relevant to important public issues. Here “science” is interpreted broadly to encompass any knowledge-generating discipline, including the natural, social and health sciences, engineering and the humanities.

Build in Canada Innovation Program Ideas logo National Academy of Sciences ISEDC Logo Canadaian Space agency RCMP Logo Canadian Government Logo VLN Advance Technology PEI Bio Alliance Logo Canarie Logo Immigration and Refugee board of Canada - Logo Misissippi-Mills Logo Canadian Forest Services Logo Natural Resources Canada Logo Canadian Heritage Logo