What challenges are preoccupying your agenda? Have a closer look at how Stoneleigh may be the right fit for you.
At no cost to you, we typically hold several discussions with prospective clients to better understand their challenges and opportunities as well as their strategic and operational realities. Together we will determine if a good fit exists. We work hand-in-hand with you and your team to tailor and deliver a full suite of services and products.
In iterative fashion, we build a contract proposal, outlining purpose, scope, methodologies, timing and milestones, costs, and other such considerations.
You will benefit from our agility and flexibility. We realize that sometimes circumstances can change at any stage of a project. We can pivot quickly and easily.
We draw upon multiple lines of evidence and critical thinking; and deliver products that are sound, easily conveyed, implemented, and managed. We are proud of our communications skills, with all products being presented clearly, concisely, and in simple language.
Solution: Yes we do. In fact we are proud to share our client successes with you.
We suggest an initial 1-2 hour conversation with us, at no cost to you, to discuss how your strategic and/or operational landscape is changing; associated ramifications on your organization and its mandate; what your pressing issues and opportunities are in this context; and various high-level options to consider moving forward. During this conversation, we are conducting an informal “diagnostic” which will aid us in developing a proposed plan of action should you request one.
Effective planning is vital to an organization's success. Not just the resulting plan, but the act of planning as well! We will determine with you what you need from planning; your current planning practices, and where planning synergies are possible. Our planning format is simple, elegant, and brings multi-dimensional value to you and your team. We would be pleased to meet with you to describe our approach and products in more detail.
We will discuss with you and your management team how the ability and efficacy of your organization to deliver on its mandate is possibly hampered by issues such as strategy; structure; roles and responsibilities; governance; culture; systems/ and processes; or skills. Depending upon the significance and depth of change required, this may lead to a one-off process improvement project for example, or a longer-term, more concerted organization design effort.
We recognize that change with good intentions can sometimes actually lead to adverse effects on the organization. Implementing change requires a strong and deep understanding of all aspects of your organization, but also the implications on clients, partners, stakeholders, and employees. We develop, in partnership with your management team, a change management strategy that address these challenges using a series of leading-edge change techniques.
Efficiency improvements can be made through a variety of techniques, such as targeted process improvement initiatives, the nurturing and on-going management of a culture rooted in continuous improvement, management team priority-setting to allocate resources in an optimal fashion; automating and digitizing parts of the organization; and strengthening the awareness, understanding, and support of team members of the organization’s value and importance. We will sit down with you to explore the nature and scope of suspected inefficiencies and to discuss options on how best to proceed.
There are many techniques that can be used to mobilize stakeholder support for your organization. An exploratory discussion with you on who your stakeholders are, and what they are seeking form a necessary basis from which we will present various options to strengthen traction. Many of these options have been developed and refined over a 30-year federal career that helped over $2 billion worth of proposals obtain federal policy, Budget, and management authorities approval.
We have over 20 years of knowledge, expertise, skills, and networks in federal science, technology, and innovation activities. We have worked with many federal innovation support programs and have collaborated with many more overseas. Consequently, we can bring you best practices; potential partnerships; innovative ideas in support programming and in stakeholder relations; approaches to strengthening reach; and access to strategic intelligence on federal trends and developments in innovation support programming.
Furthermore, we can help your program through strategic assessments; business planning; program design; process improvements; and change management.